work long time oil extraction rate for palm oil in pakistan

work long time oil extraction rate for palm oil in pakistan
  • work long time oil extraction rate for palm oil in pakistan
work long time oil extraction rate for palm oil in pakistan
work long time oil extraction rate for palm oil in pakistan
work long time oil extraction rate for palm oil in pakistan
work long time oil extraction rate for palm oil in pakistan
  • Can Pakistan produce palm oil?
  • Although the cost of production of palm oil in Pakistan shall be very high in comparison to Malaysia’s and Indonesia’s, yet it is feasible, because of the production of crude palm oil, refineries shall start processing and Pakistan shall be able to cater its domestic palm oil requirements to a great extent.
  • How can Malaysia improve the oil extraction rate?
  • One strategy is to improve the oil extraction rate (OER) during the milling process. The average OER in Malaysia has remained stagnant between 19 and 21% for the past 40 years. Based on the world production of palm oil in 2018, approximately 3 million tonnes of additional palm oil can be produced globally with a 1% increase in OER.
  • Is palm oil a burden for Pakistan?
  • Thus, palm oil can be a burden for Pakistan if imported without intervention on an international level and can be a breather if the crude palm is imported and utilized effectively to meet the edible oil requirements until Pakistan becomes self-sufficient in oilseed production and solvent extraction.
  • How much palm oil does Pakistan import a year?
  • According FY2020-2021(WeBOC), Pakistan imported 3.5 million tons of palm oil including refined oil and crude oil. Approx. 190 thousand tons of crude oil and 3.3 million tons of refined oil were imported. Pakistan currently has the capacity to refine 1.5 million tons of crude palm oil annually.