widely used by european customers oil soybean line in durban

widely used by european customers oil soybean line in durban
  • widely used by european customers oil soybean line in durban
widely used by european customers oil soybean line in durban
widely used by european customers oil soybean line in durban
widely used by european customers oil soybean line in durban
widely used by european customers oil soybean line in durban
  • Where does soybean oil come from?
  • Soybean meal and soybeans are the main traded soy products. Soybean oil plays in comparison a much smaller role, and mostly comes from Central and Eastern European countries, including Ukraine, Russia, and Serbia. This can be explained with the demand for non-genetically modified (GM) soybean oil for food products.c
  • How much soy is used in the EU27+UK?
  • Applying the average shares of soy products to the feed production volumes reported by FEFAC for the EU27+UK in 2020 suggests a total use of soy products of 25.0 million tonnes, with soybean meal accounting for 23.4 million tonnes.
  • Which countries import the most soy?
  • In 2007, the EU-27 countries together imported 24.8 million tonnes of soy meal, 15.5 million tonnes of soybeans and almost 1 million tonnes of soy oil (Table 1). Most imports originated from Brazil and Argentina. * Soybeans: September 2006 – August 2007. Source: Oil World, May 2008.
  • Which countries export soybeans to the EU-27?
  • Other countries that export a large part of their soybean harvest to the EU-27 are Argentina (25%) and Canada (23%). * EU imports from Norway almost exclusively originate from Brazil and therefore are added to Brazil.