various capacity sunflower oil production lines in rwanda

various capacity sunflower oil production lines in rwanda
  • various capacity sunflower oil production lines in rwanda
various capacity sunflower oil production lines in rwanda
various capacity sunflower oil production lines in rwanda
various capacity sunflower oil production lines in rwanda
various capacity sunflower oil production lines in rwanda
  • What is the export/production ratio of sunflower?
  • If we compare the export/production ratio of the main products involved in the vegetable oils and proteins markets, we see that sunflower is traded mainly after processing: 55% of the oil volumes were exported in 2018/19, 38% of the meals, and only 5% of the harvested seeds.
  • How much sunflowerseed oil is produced worldwide in 2022/23?
  • In 2022/23, the global production volume of sunflowerseed oil worldwide amounted to approximately 21.59 million metric tons. Get notified via email when this statistic is updated. The data is based on Marketing Years (MY). Most countries are on an October/September Marketing Year (MY). Data prior to 2019/20 were taken from previous reports.
  • Is sunflower oil production geographically concentrated?
  • A closer look at global production statistics reveals that sunflower oil production is geographically concentrated, with few countries contributing to the lion’s share of the overall output. Recent data on global sunflower oil production shows fascinating insights about the diversity and concentration of production.
  • Does sunflower oil maintain its market share?
  • Sunflower oil almost maintained its market share in this highly competitive market reshaped by the development of palm oil: after a decrease from 13% in the 1990’ies, the market share of sunflower oil seems to be stabilized to 9?10% (Fig. 11). Fig. 10 Evolution of world oil consumption 1976?2019. Fig. 11