sunflower seed oil processing production mill in congo

sunflower seed oil processing production mill in congo
  • sunflower seed oil processing production mill in congo
sunflower seed oil processing production mill in congo
sunflower seed oil processing production mill in congo
sunflower seed oil processing production mill in congo
sunflower seed oil processing production mill in congo
  • What is sunflower seed processing?
  • Sunflower seed processing focuses on sunflower oil as the most valuable product. It is used as high-value oil in various food applications. The deoiled meal is considered a byproduct and is mostly used as animal feed. In 2011, annual world production of deoiled sunflower meal was at 16 million tons ( FAO, 2013 ).
  • How is sunflower seed oil produced?
  • Sunflower seed oil production does the following manufacturing processes: cleaning of the seeds, grinding of the seeds, pressing and extraction of crude oil from these seeds and then further refining the oil obtained before packaging. A volatile hydrocarbon like hexane is used as a solvent to extract the oil.
  • How does the production capacity of sunflower seeds affect the processing industry?
  • Worldwide, the levels of sunflower seed production and prices are interrelated to, and determinant of, sunflower oil production levels and prices. Thus, the production capacity of sunflower seeds highly affects the development of the processing industry.
  • How many tons of sunflower seed oil are there in the world?
  • The world supply of sunflower seed oil for 2008/2009 is estimated at 11.7 million tons (+18% compared with the previous marketing year). The 2008/2009 crop translates into record sunflower seed oil production (in contrast with a decline in soybean oil production).