sunflower oil production line in argentina in togo

sunflower oil production line in argentina in togo
  • sunflower oil production line in argentina in togo
sunflower oil production line in argentina in togo
sunflower oil production line in argentina in togo
sunflower oil production line in argentina in togo
sunflower oil production line in argentina in togo
  • How much sunflower does Argentina produce a year?
  • Argentina’s Sunflower production averages 3.52 Mmt yearly. While domestic consumption is 3.4 Mmt, of which 3.14 Mmt (~92%) is crushed to produce 1.35 Mmt of Sunflower Oil and Sunflower Meal each. In MY 2021/2022, Sunflower Production decreased by 0.1 Mmt YoY, as the harvested area decreased by 70 kha.
  • Which countries produce the most sunflower oil?
  • Russia, Ukraine and Argentina are the greatest producers. Sunflower is mainly used for oil elaboration. A production of 8.8 million tons is estimated for the 2004/2005 campaign. Sunflower oil is the fourth most important production worldwide after soy, palm and colza oils. Argentina, Russia and Ukraine are also the main producers of sunflower oil.
  • Why is sunflower oil important in Argentina?
  • In Argentina, sunflower oil is the second oil in importance after soy’s due to its volume of production and food consumption within the internal market. In 2004 the internal consumption reached 326 thousand tons, with a per capita consumption of 8.8 kg/inh./year.
  • Which countries export sunflower oil?
  • Sunflower oil world trade has been stable in the last five campaigns. However, Argentina is still holding a leading position. The volume traded in 2003 reached 3.4 million tons for US$ 1,583 million. Argentina (30%), Ukraine (27%) and The Netherlands (10%) are the main exporters.