soybean oil biodiesel production lineequipmentplant in lagos

soybean oil biodiesel production lineequipmentplant in lagos
  • soybean oil biodiesel production lineequipmentplant in lagos
soybean oil biodiesel production lineequipmentplant in lagos
soybean oil biodiesel production lineequipmentplant in lagos
soybean oil biodiesel production lineequipmentplant in lagos
soybean oil biodiesel production lineequipmentplant in lagos
  • Where is the world’s largest soybean biodiesel plant located?
  • Used to store and ship grains, produce soybean oil, flour and biodiesel, LDC’s General Lagos plant was completed 25 years ago. And since then, the facility located in Argentina’s Santa Fe province, where the Paraná and Salado rivers meet, has become the world’s largest soybean biodiesel production plant.
  • What is the production capacity of General Lagos industrial complex?
  • Our General Lagos industrial complex has two soybean crushing lines for the production of oil and meal, with annual crushing capacity of 2.5 million tons. It also has two production lines to process soybean oil for biodiesel, with annual production capacity of 600,000 tons.
  • How biodiesel is produced from soybean?
  • The production of biodiesel from soybean goes through the stages of oil extraction and refining, followed by transesterification for the production of biodiesel and glycerin. During these stages, the formation of by-products and co-products, such as lecithin, tocopherols, squalene and soybean meal occurs.
  • Why is LDC the largest biodiesel producer in the world?
  • It also has two production lines to process soybean oil for biodiesel, with annual production capacity of 600,000 tons. This makes it the largest soy-based biodiesel processing plant in the world, and positions LDC as the main national producer and exporter of biodiesel.