oil press2011 palm oil press in india

oil press2011 palm oil press in india
  • oil press2011 palm oil press in india
oil press2011 palm oil press in india
oil press2011 palm oil press in india
oil press2011 palm oil press in india
oil press2011 palm oil press in india
  • Which countries produce the most palm oil in the world?
  • Moreover, Indonesia and Malaysia are the largest producers of palm oil, with 85% of global production. India also imports the largest quantity of palm oil, followed by the EU (6.7 MTn) and China (5 MTn) (USDA FAS, 2017).
  • Should India expand oil palm cultivation?
  • India is the largest consumer and importer of palm oil in the world. Its demand for palm oil is expected to double by 2030, which cannot be sustained just by increasing the import quantity, as it would be exporting its biodiversity issues to the supplying countries. We support the Government of India’s views to expand oil palm cultivation in India.
  • How much palm oil is produced in India?
  • For the year 2016?2017, the total domestic consumption of palm oil by India was 9.3 million tonnes (MTn). In the same year, 98.97% (9 MTn) of India’s palm oil was imported from Malaysia and Indonesia, indicating that only 1.027% was produced domestically.
  • How can India reduce global pressure on palm oil lands?
  • As the largest market for palm oil globally, and one that is poised to grow rapidly, India can reduce future pressure on forest lands across the global tropics—especially in emerging production landscapes such as tropical Africa and America—by meeting most of its future domestic demand in areas vital for neither biodiversity nor food production.