oil palm nursery equipment in indonesia

oil palm nursery equipment in indonesia
  • oil palm nursery equipment in indonesia
oil palm nursery equipment in indonesia
oil palm nursery equipment in indonesia
oil palm nursery equipment in indonesia
oil palm nursery equipment in indonesia
  • How much palm oil is produced in Indonesia?
  • Palm oil production contributes around 2.5% to Indonesia’s total GDP and employs up to 8 million people in farming and processing (ILO, 2019; Ministry of Agriculture Indonesia, 2019a ). Indonesia is the world’s largest palm oil producer and exporter worldwide (Qaim et al., 2020 ).
  • Do smallholders grow palm oil in Indonesia?
  • The area cultivated by smallholders has seen a massive expansion in the last two decades, from less than 1.6 to 5.8 million hectares between 2001 and 2018. Indonesian smallholders currently supply 38 percent of palm oil production, while covering nearly half of the country’s area of oil palm plantations.
  • Does Asian Agri invest in palm oil smallholder partnerships in Indonesia?
  • Published by Grow Asia as part of a series of case studies, Asian Agri’s case outlines the company’s journey in its investment into palm oil smallholder partnership programmes in Indonesia.
  • Does oil palm cultivation contribute to structural transformation in Indonesia?
  • In this article, we analyzed to what extent the adoption and cultivation of oil palm contributes to structural transformation in Indonesia. Indonesia has seen a rapid expansion of oil palm cultivation in recent decades. The country is now the biggest palm oil producer and exporter worldwide.