oil expeller peanut oil expellerrtificate laos in indonesia

oil expeller peanut oil expellerrtificate laos in indonesia
  • oil expeller peanut oil expellerrtificate laos in indonesia
oil expeller peanut oil expellerrtificate laos in indonesia
oil expeller peanut oil expellerrtificate laos in indonesia
oil expeller peanut oil expellerrtificate laos in indonesia
oil expeller peanut oil expellerrtificate laos in indonesia
  • Is Indonesia’s palm oil export competitive?
  • Data of the palm oil export from Indonesia to the Spain, China, the United States, the Netherland, and India show that the demand for Indonesia’s palm oil relatively increase in the period of 2000 until 2019. The RCA indices are also very high, indicating that Indonesia’s palm oil export in these countries is very competitive.
  • Does Indonesia export palm oil to China?
  • Based on the Indonesia palm oil export to China, generally, the export value of palm oil showed an increase since 2000 ? 2019. On the other side, the export
  • Are there sustainable palm oil certification schemes in Indonesia?
  • In Indonesia, there are three most-commonly used sustainable palm oil certification schemes, including the Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) which has been implemented since 2011, the Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) which has been operating since 2004, and the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) since 2010.
  • Will Indonesia’s palm oil regulation disproportionately affect smallholder palm farmers?
  • In Indonesia, there are concerns that the regulation will disproportionately affect smallholder oil palm farmers, who account for a significant share of the country’s total palm oil production.