jw good of palm peanut extraction in tanzania

jw good of palm peanut extraction in tanzania
  • jw good of palm peanut extraction in tanzania
jw good of palm peanut extraction in tanzania
jw good of palm peanut extraction in tanzania
jw good of palm peanut extraction in tanzania
jw good of palm peanut extraction in tanzania
  • How efficient is palm oil extraction in Tanzania?
  • This is equivalent to a palm oil extraction efficiency of about 12 %. Furthermore, FAO estimated an area of only 5000 ha being used for oil palms in Tanzania during the same year. The calculated average yield applied by FAO for Tanzania exceeds 14.2 t of FFB or 1.7 t of palm oil per hectare.
  • How much palm oil does Tanzania produce?
  • The official statistics of FAOSTAT (2012) estimate different (higher) palm oil yield levels in Tanzania compared to the average yield results of 0.44 t of palm oil per ha determined using the data from our survey conducted in 2011. Our results also differ from the yields of 0.58 t per ha reported in the census data 2007/08 (URT 2012b ).
  • How much does sunflower oil cost in Tanzania?
  • Sunflower oil comprises 83% of total edible oils produced in Tanzania but meets only 30% of demand. Sunflower farmer in Tanzania While consumers prefer refined sunflower oil over imported palm oil, they find the cost differential prohibitive (USD 2.2/L vs. USD 1.5/L, respectively).
  • How can Tanzania expand the edible oil industry?
  • Low smallholder participation in oil Source: Icons from Noun Project 4 In order to expand the edible oils industry, Tanzania should focus first on the sunflower value chain, as it is best positioned to serve strong demand given current production dynamics Source: IHS Markit; FAOSTAT; Dalberg analysis from calculations