high quality soybean palm oil production line in malawi

high quality soybean palm oil production line in malawi
  • high quality soybean palm oil production line in malawi
high quality soybean palm oil production line in malawi
high quality soybean palm oil production line in malawi
high quality soybean palm oil production line in malawi
high quality soybean palm oil production line in malawi
  • Why is the soybean industry growing in Malawi?
  • The area under soybean production as well as productivity are increasing in Malawi due to government policies on value addition, domestic use and crop diversification. Consequently, there is a significant expansion of the soybean industry within Malawi and with substantial demand for export market.
  • Is soybean a good crop for agro-ecological zones in Malawi?
  • Agronomic studies on soybean have shown that the crop is well adapted for production in all agro-ecological zones in Malawi. However, soybean yields are still low as farmers obtain 800 kg/ha on average against the potential yield of 2000-2500 kg/ha.
  • Where does soybean grow in Malawi?
  • The Plateau repre-sents three quarters of Malawi at elevations of 750-1300 masl. Although the major soy-bean production districts are concentrated in the plateau, soybean virtually grows well in all agricultural development divisions.
  • Is soybean a viable alternative food & cash crop in Malawi?
  • Soybean is increasingly becoming popular and serving as an alternative food and cash crop. The area under soybean production as well as productivity are increasing in Malawi due to government policies on value addition, domestic use and crop diversification.