high performance peanut oil plant in ethiopia

high performance peanut oil plant in ethiopia
  • high performance peanut oil plant in ethiopia
high performance peanut oil plant in ethiopia
high performance peanut oil plant in ethiopia
high performance peanut oil plant in ethiopia
high performance peanut oil plant in ethiopia
  • How do peanut plants grow in Ethiopia?
  • Peanut plants grow best in well-drained sandy soils and sunny warm temperatures with moderate rainfall. In Ethiopia, the total planted area was 443000 ha and a production of 103.7 M ton of grain as it has been reported in the 2014 cropping season (FAOSTAT 2014 ). This report also showed that the productivity of peanut has been 1604.1 kg ha ?1.
  • How to improve the production and productivity of peanut in Ethiopia?
  • When its productivity is comparing to the productivity (3.25 ton ha ?1) that has been reported in North Carolina is very low (Jones 2003 ). Hence, improving the production and productivity of peanut in Ethiopia using environmental friendly technologies is essential.
  • Does locally isolated Bradyrhizobium improve peanut production in eastern Ethiopia?
  • Therefore, this study was initiated to evaluate locally isolated Bradyrhizobium effectiveness on the productivity of peanut at major production areas of eastern Ethiopia.
  • What feedstocks are used in biodiesel production in Ethiopia?
  • Some of the main feedstocks available in Ethiopia for biodiesel production include jatropha, castor bean, palm oil, croton macrostachyus, Moringa stenopetala, neem (margosa), sugarcane, animal fat, waste cooking oil, and Microalgeal. Jatropha Curcas is a perennial plant with a 30- to 50-year life span.