maize germ palm oil production line in botswana

maize germ palm oil production line in botswana
  • maize germ palm oil production line in botswana
maize germ palm oil production line in botswana
maize germ palm oil production line in botswana
maize germ palm oil production line in botswana
maize germ palm oil production line in botswana
  • What crops are grown in Botswana?
  • Major crops grown in Botswana are sorghum, maize, millet and cowpeas. The Botswana agricultural research system responds mainly to an inherently poor natural resource base. Only one institution is involved in plant breeding and technology: the Department of Agricultural Research (DAR) of the Ministry of Agriculture.
  • How is seed produced in Botswana?
  • In Botswana, seed production and distribution is done through the public supply system. The Government (under the DAR) produces and certifies seeds. Recognizing the fact that seed continues to be the primary need for re-establishing disadvantaged farmers, the government gives free seed as a drought relief measure.
  • What is the agricultural sector in Botswana?
  • Consequently, the agricultural sector contributes only about 3.0% of the GDP. Major crops grown in Botswana are sorghum, maize, millet and cowpeas. The Botswana agricultural research system responds mainly to an inherently poor natural resource base.
  • How much oil is produced from maize?
  • Almost 2 mt of maize is used in the starch industry, yielding about 70,000 tonnes of corn oil as a by product, annually. This figure is expected to rise up to 8 mt by 2050, which can produce about 0.3 mt tonnes of oil (Hegde 2012 ). Local factories are extracting 3.0?3.5 % oil from corn, which otherwise contain at least 5?6 % of oil.