show palm oil production line in lagos

show palm oil production line in lagos
  • show palm oil production line in lagos
show palm oil production line in lagos
show palm oil production line in lagos
show palm oil production line in lagos
show palm oil production line in lagos
  • Does Nigeria have a supply gap in palm oil?
  • Currently, production remains stable. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil outweighs supply. Nigeria meets the supply gap in oil palm through imports from Malaysia, China, and Côte d’Ivoire. In MY 2022/23 FAS Lagos forecast that Nigeria will require 450,000 MT to fill the consumption gap.
  • What is the future of the palm oil industry in Nigeria?
  • Investment bank, United Capital, in a recent report, gives an optimistic projection about the future of the Palm oil industry in Nigeria as the key player continues to invest aggressively in capacity expansion.
  • Where is palm oil sourced in Nigeria?
  • While most of the palm oil is sourced from small farmers supplying to the local market, large producers, such as Presco and Okomu, are well placed to benefit from government support, strong international demand, and high prices. Nigeria depends on palm oil imports from Southeast Asia, importing c.25% of palm oil consumed in recent years.
  • How much palm oil will Nigeria need in 2023/24?
  • In MY 2023/24, FAS Lagos forecast that Nigeria will require 400,000 MT of palm oil supply to meet its demand. On the soybean front, low production negatively affects domestic supply. Insight and analysis from FAS’s overseas offices on issues affecting agricultural production and trade.