bottom edible oil production line based on palm in pakistan

bottom edible oil production line based on palm in pakistan
  • bottom edible oil production line based on palm in pakistan
bottom edible oil production line based on palm in pakistan
bottom edible oil production line based on palm in pakistan
bottom edible oil production line based on palm in pakistan
bottom edible oil production line based on palm in pakistan
  • Where does Pakistan import palm oil?
  • Refined palm oil accounts for ~98% of Pakistan’s total edible oil imports and is sourced mainly from Malaysia and Indonesia. Pakistan is the fourth-largest importer of palm oil globally, and it is forecast to import ~3.6mln MT of palm oil in FY22, according to the USDA.
  • How did Pakistan’s edible oil market perform in FY20?
  • Pakistan’s edible oil market was recorded at PKR 1,161 million in FY20 registering a YoY growth of 22% (FY19: PKR~950 million). Local consumption was recorded at ~4.9mln MTs in FY20 up ~3% YoY, as (FY19: ~4.7mln MTs).
  • How much edible oil is consumed in Pakistan?
  • Pakistan’s local consumption of edible oil is 5 MMT, out of which 1.5 MMT ? 30 percent of edible oil is domestically-produced, the remaining 3.5 MMT ? 70 percent of edible oil needs are met through the import of refined palm oil (Rehman S. , 2021).
  • Why is palm oil a natural and economic choice for Pakistan?
  • Amid rising demands of edible oil and stunted local production, palm oil is a natural and economic choice for Pakistan due to its affordability, accessibility, and availability.