soybeans soybean oil press mill in ghana

soybeans soybean oil press mill in ghana
  • soybeans soybean oil press mill in ghana
soybeans soybean oil press mill in ghana
soybeans soybean oil press mill in ghana
soybeans soybean oil press mill in ghana
soybeans soybean oil press mill in ghana
  • What is Ghana’s soybean production potential?
  • Ghana’s soybean production potential stands at an impressive 700,000 tonnes per year. However, only about 26 percent of this potential is being realized. The cultivation area covers an estimated 102,000 hectares of the 250,000 hectares of land suitable for production countrywide.
  • What is sustainable soyabean production in northern Ghana (ssping)?
  • The project dubbed: “Sustainable Soyabean Production in Northern Ghana” (SSPiNG) also seeks to enable rural households to raise their incomes and improve food security on a sustainable basis.
  • What is the market demand for soybean grains in Ghana?
  • The market demand for soybean grains is not only limited to domestic use but also for industrial processing into cooking oil and animal feed, especially the poultry industry [ 24 ]. Domestic demand of soybean grains is in excess of 300,000 MTs annually, of which 91% is used for industrial purposes in Ghana.
  • Why is soybean important in Ghana?
  • Background Soybean ( Glycine max L) is one of the most valuable leguminous crops cultivated both in developed and developing economies [ 3, 23 ]. In Ghana, the cultivation of soybean is relatively new [ 17 ]. However, its economic importance is gaining wider popularity and common acceptance among farmers in the country [ 19 ].