hydraulic oil processing plant sunflower seed ce in lusaka

hydraulic oil processing plant sunflower seed ce in lusaka
  • hydraulic oil processing plant sunflower seed ce in lusaka
hydraulic oil processing plant sunflower seed ce in lusaka
hydraulic oil processing plant sunflower seed ce in lusaka
hydraulic oil processing plant sunflower seed ce in lusaka
hydraulic oil processing plant sunflower seed ce in lusaka
  • What is sunflower seed processing?
  • Sunflower seed processing focuses on sunflower oil as the most valuable product. It is used as high-value oil in various food applications. The deoiled meal is considered a byproduct and is mostly used as animal feed. In 2011, annual world production of deoiled sunflower meal was at 16 million tons ( FAO, 2013 ).
  • Can mmmz make sunflower oil more widely available in Zambia?
  • The company will buy all sunflower produced by contracted out-growers. MMMZ wants to make sunflower oil more widely available in Zambia through this project. Sunflower oil is more nutritious than other edible oils and if processed from locally produced seed can be sold at prices which are affordable to low-income consumers.
  • How is sunflower oil processed?
  • To process sunflower into cooking oil, farmers use a grinding machine called an expeller. Because Mrs. Kamuwikeni does not have an expeller, she uses other people’s expellers and pays a processing fee. She says, “After extracting the oil using the expeller, the oil is not clean enough to be sold directly to the community.”
  • Can processing sunflower into oil boost income for small-scale farmers?
  • Bubala Soko is the agricultural extension officer for Kalichero Agriculture Camp. He says that adding value by processing sunflower into oil can boost income for small-scale farmers. Mr. Soko explains: “Sunflower is a crop that can improve income levels of farmers if farmers add value to their produce.