attractive design soybean oil processing plant in uganda

attractive design soybean oil processing plant in uganda
  • attractive design soybean oil processing plant in uganda
attractive design soybean oil processing plant in uganda
attractive design soybean oil processing plant in uganda
attractive design soybean oil processing plant in uganda
attractive design soybean oil processing plant in uganda
  • How has maksoy changed the soybean industry in Uganda?
  • With over 80% of the people living in Uganda engaged in Agriculture, the Maksoy high yielding rust resistant varieties have transformed the soybean sector in Uganda and improved livelihoods. Soybean production in Uganda steadily increased from 144,000 hectares in 2004 to 200,000 hectares in 2014 (Tukamuhabwa and Oloka, 2016).
  • Is rust resistant soybean a problem in Uganda?
  • To address this problem, researchers at Makerere University embarked on soybean research and breeding activities in major soybean growing areas in Uganda using a participatory approach that led to the development of six high yielding-rust resistant soybean varieties.
  • How much soybean is produced in Uganda?
  • Soybean production in Uganda steadily increased from 144,000 hectares in 2004 to 200,000 hectares in 2014 (Tukamuhabwa and Oloka, 2016). Soybean prices increased from 600 UGX per kg in 2008 to 1000 UGX per kg in 2011 (SNV, 2011).
  • What is a soybean processing plant?
  • Soybean processing plants help extract as much potential from the soybean as possible. For example, the new Shell Rock Soy Processing plant will use locally grown soybeans to produce 847,000 tons of soybean meal, 462 million pounds of soybean oil and 77,000 tons of soybean hulls per year.