6yl-68 cold palm oil press palm oil press for sale in congo

6yl-68 cold palm oil press palm oil press for sale in congo
  • 6yl-68 cold palm oil press palm oil press for sale in congo
6yl-68 cold palm oil press palm oil press for sale in congo
6yl-68 cold palm oil press palm oil press for sale in congo
6yl-68 cold palm oil press palm oil press for sale in congo
6yl-68 cold palm oil press palm oil press for sale in congo
  • Is palm oil outpacing production in Congo?
  • Palm oil is a standard ingredient in Congolese kitchens, but it’s also commonly used to make soap. Now, demand is outpacing production ? and some families are getting priced out of the nutritional staple. Louise Menga has been selling palm oil in Kisangani’s central market for seven years.
  • Is the Congo basin ready for palm oil expansion?
  • Leading the charge against palm oil in the Congo Basin has been South African-based environmental campaigner, Greenpeace Africa. While recognizing there is a path to responsible production of palm oil, the organization maintains that the absence of proper safeguards simply makes the region ill prepared for such large-scale expansion at this point.
  • Who makes palm oil mills?
  • SERMI manufactures complete palm oil and palm kernel oil mills to order. The company works with private farmers having an average holding of 1 500 ha and design custom-made medium-scale plants for the estates. Twin-screw type presses are manufactured and supplied to medium-scale processors.
  • Is there a palm oil project in southwest Cameroon?
  • Southwest Cameroon is home to a controversial palm oil project. Sithe Global Sustainable Oils Cameroon (SGSOC), a subsidiary of US-based firm, Herakles Farms set up operations there in 2010. In early 2014, it was obliged to halt operations after incessant protest from conservation groups and local communities.